Trademark Renewal

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Procedure for Trademark Renewal

About Trademark Renewal

Trademark renewal is the process of extending the legal protection of a trademark beyond its initial registration period. Trademarks typically need to be renewed periodically to maintain their legal status and protect brand rights.

Trademark renewal is essential for maintaining your trademark’s protection and ensuring continued brand security. By adhering to renewal deadlines and following the proper procedures, you can safeguard your intellectual property rights and prevent potential loss of your trademark registration.

Process for Trademark Renewal

Step 1 Check Renewal Dates:

Monitor Expiry: Keep track of the trademark’s renewal date. Trademarks are usually renewed every 10 years, but this can vary by jurisdiction.

Step 2 Prepare Renewal Application:

  • Form: Use the prescribed form for renewal (e.g., Form TM-R in India).
  • Details:Include details such as the trademark registration number, the owner’s details, and the classes of goods or services covered.

Step 3 Submit Application:

  • Online Filing: Submit the renewal application through the trademark office’s online portal.
  • Physical Filing: Alternatively, file the renewal application by physical delivery to the trademark office.

Step 4 Pay Renewal Fee:

Fee Payment: Pay the required renewal fee. The fee amount varies depending on the jurisdiction and the number of classes involved.

Step 5 Acknowledge Receipt:

Confirmation: The trademark office will acknowledge receipt of the renewal application and fee, and may issue a renewal certificate.

Advantages of Trademark Renewal

Continued Legal Protection

Brand Integrity and Market Position

Financial and Strategic Benefits

Legal and Administrative Advantages

Prevent Unwanted Associations

Encourage Fair Competition

Record Keeping and Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Trademark Renewal?

Trademark Renewal is the process of extending the registration of a trademark beyond its initial registration period. It ensures that the trademark remains protected and continues to have legal status.

2. Why Should I Renew My Trademark?

Reasons for Renewal:

  • Continued Protection: To maintain exclusive rights to use the trademark.
  • Avoid Cancellation: To prevent the trademark from becoming abandoned or cancelled.
  • Brand Integrity: To ensure ongoing protection of your brand and market position.
3. When Should I File for Trademark Renewal?

Filing Period:

  • Renewal Deadline: The renewal application should be filed before the trademark registration expires. Typically, trademarks are renewed every 10 years, but the period may vary by jurisdiction.
  • Grace Period: Many jurisdictions provide a grace period (usually 6-12 months) after the expiration date during which you can still renew the trademark with additional fees.
4. How Do I Check the Renewal Date of My Trademark?

Checking Renewal Date:

  • Trademark Office: Check the official trademark office’s database or online portal for the registration details, including the renewal date.
  • Renewal Notice: Trademark offices often send renewal notices or reminders before the expiration date.
5. What Documents Are Required for Trademark Renewal?

Required Documents:

  • Renewal Form: Use the prescribed form for renewal (e.g., Form TM-R in India).
  • Details: Include the trademark registration number, the owner’s details, and the classes of goods or services.
  • Proof of Use: In some jurisdictions, proof of continued use may be required.
6. How Do I File a Trademark Renewal?

Filing Process:

  • Online Filing: Submit the renewal application electronically through the trademark office’s online portal.
  • Physical Filing: Alternatively, file the renewal application by physical delivery to the trademark office.
  • Fee Payment: Pay the required renewal fee, which varies depending on the jurisdiction and the number of classes.
7. What Happens If I Miss the Renewal Deadline?


  • Grace Period: You may still be able to renew during the grace period, but additional fees may apply.
  • Lapsed Registration: Failure to renew within the grace period may result in the trademark being considered abandoned and cancelled.
8. Can I Renew a Trademark That Is Not Currently in Use?

Use Requirements:

  • In Use: Some jurisdictions require that the trademark is in use for the goods or services covered by the registration at the time of renewal.
  • Non-Use: If the trademark is not in use, you may need to provide proof of use or face challenges in renewal.
9. How Long Does the Renewal Process Take?


  • Processing Time: The processing time for trademark renewal can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the efficiency of the trademark office. It can take a few weeks to several months.
10. Can I Make Changes to My Trademark During Renewal?


  • Amendments: If you need to make changes to the trademark details (e.g., owner’s name, address), you may need to file an amendment or assignment application in addition to the renewal.
11. What If My Trademark Renewal Is Rejected?


  • Reasons: The renewal may be rejected for various reasons, such as failure to provide required documentation or proof of use.
  • Appeal: You can appeal the decision or correct the issues and reapply for renewal.
12. Do I Need an Attorney for Trademark Renewal?

Legal Assistance:

  • Not Required: You can handle the renewal process yourself, but consulting a trademark attorney is advisable for complex cases or if you need assistance with legal requirements.
13. What Happens After Trademark Renewal?


  • Confirmation: The trademark office will issue a renewal certificate or confirmation of renewal.
  • Continued Protection: Your trademark will remain protected for the extended period, usually another 10 years.